报告题目: A life course approach to disease and health using birth cohorts
时间:  12月13号上午10点
地点: 8号楼学院小报告厅
报告人: Leah Li, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Li is currently appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics at University College London (UCL). Dr.Li’s research interests include the methodology for the analysis of life course data, intergenerational and cross-cohort comparisons. Her research focuses on physical growth (height and BMI), cognitive and socio-emotional development, and adult health.
Dr.Li’s recent work includes joint multivariate response modelling for exploring the association between growth trajectories and health outcomes, and estimating trends in cardiovascular disease risk factors in adults and children in the UK and the impact of changes in body sizes using multiple studies/cohorts. She is also interested in adverse childhood experiences (abuse and maltreatment), child-to-adult development and adult health outcomes
Dr.Li has published over 80 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, including The Lancet, International Journal of Epidemiology, American journal of epidemiology.

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